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How to GROW Yourself and Your Team

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Are you looking for a simple system to help you clarify and achieve your goals with accountability? What if you could use that same system to help you lead your team? Well, good news. Here’s just what you’ve been looking for.

The GROW coaching model was developed by Sir John Whitmore, one of the pioneering leaders of the coaching industry.  I’ve adapted his model for this blog post. GROW is an acrostic for Goal, Reality, Options, and Will. Use the space below to walk through each acrostic letter until you are ready to commit to an action item.  Note: ask just one question at a time.


  • What is your GOAL? Don’t rush through this question. Spend time to make sure you are addressing the right goal. Otherwise, you are leaning your “success ladder” against the wrong wall.

  • What makes this goal important? Here is where you spend some time ensuring you are addressing the right goal. Make sure you are genuinely being “strategic” and taking action that aligns with your core values rather than just being tactical.


  • What is the current REALITY of your situation? In other words, how are you currently doing on this goal? What is your current experience regarding the goal?

  • What are your RESOURCES for dealing with it? What training do you have that could help with this? What material supplies do you have that could help? Who do you know that could help?


  • What are the OBSTACLES in the way? Sometimes the key to success is not so much “willpower” but simply getting stuff out of the way. Take time to identify what is in the way. At this point, you are still exploring options. So don’t rush to take action yet.

  • What are the OPPORTUNITIES for making progress? Don’t miss out on the “low hanging fruit.” There are probably some simple and quick “wins” that you could make regarding your goal. Identify those. Likewise, what could you to address the obstacles that are in your way?

  • What are your OPTIONS? Now that you’ve explored the goal, your reality and resources, obstacles and opportunities, what are your realistic options? What parts of this goal can you control, and how might you take action? Keep brainstorming!


  • What WILL you commit to do? Now it’s time to “choose your adventure” (a book series I loved while growing up in the 1980s). Or another way to put this is that it’s time for “challenge by choice” (a popular phrase I used when serving as a ropes course instructor). Bottom line: it’s time to pick a path and start moving.

  • By WHEN will you do it? Create some urgency by committing to a time frame. I recommend choosing the most specific action you can take within the nearest time frame. That “laser focus” will increase the likelihood of you completing the action.

To learn more about what the GROW model can do for both you and your team, schedule a free consultation call. You will leave the call with greater clarity about what you want to achieve, what obstacles are in the way, and what your next action steps need to be.