You have more power than you think.
How do we deal with those situations where we feel responsible, yet we don’t feel like we have the power necessary to make change happen?
How to Form Good Habits
Habits have three foundations. Here’s how to make them work for you.
How to Beat Depersonalization
Often depersonalization follows from emotional exhaustion. When you don’t have the energy to deal with people, you naturally start to withdraw from them.
Get your ACT together.
Your strength is your ability to analyze information and make data-driven decisions. This can become a weakness under stress because you become tempted to fall into “analysis paralysis.” Analysis paralysis is a liability for leadership success because successful leaders show a bias toward taking action. To help you change your analysis paralysis into a bias for action, use the ACT model.
Two sentences that change conflict into collaboration
I’m naturally conflict adverse - my personality type enjoys things like “harmony.” Once I realized that dealing with conflict was actually the first step toward creating true collaboration, it was a game changer. Conflict became less intimidating.
Pay attention to your attention.
Here are three reasons that you need to “pay attention to your attention.” These three lessons are based on both research, personal experience, and the experiences of my clients.
How to Beat Emotional Exhaustion
Emotional exhaustion is not the exact same thing as burnout, but you still need to take action on it. Here’s how.
Who are your allies and advocates?
Think about this question as soon as possible. Never miss an opportunity to build these relationships.
Why? Leadership is not just about getting stuff done. It is about getting stuff done through relationships. To quote Barry Posner, co-author of The Leadership Challenge, "You can make a difference, but you can't do it alone."
How Do You Define “Leadership”?
As I work with young leaders, one common struggle is how they define “leadership.” It’s like that scene from The Princess Bride where Inigo Montoya says, “I don’t think that word means what you think it means.”
How can you keep a “sacred pace”?
I’ve found both my business and personal life transformed after reading Terry Looper’s book, Sacred Pace. After applying his work in my own life, I’ve started sharing concepts with clients who are benefiting as well, so I want to share this with my readers. If you are serious about improving your energy, relationships, and effectiveness for success at work and home, then you need to take a look at this post.
Go upriver!
One upon a time, two friends decided to eat lunch by the river. As they were eating their lunch, they noticed a child who was caught in the current and thrashing about, unable to get back to shore.