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Use This Guided Meditation to Relax

Years ago, I went to the Mayo clinic because of life-altering chronic health issues. One of the things I learned from my time there was that I was carrying a lot of stress and unnecessary tension in my body, making my health issues worse.

So my path to healing began with becoming more aware of how I carried tension in my body and how to relax it. That awareness started with learning how to breathe correctly, followed by tuning in to where I was tense. Then I learned to let that tension go as I took each breath.

For some folks, that may sound "woo-woo." All I can tell you is that it worked for me. Moreover, We've used a similar process to help my wife address chronic pain issues caused by a severe car accident.

If you are having trouble with chronic stress or pain, I recommend reviewing the "just breathe" post. Then download the audio file below for a 24-minute guided meditation. Here are a just a few ways it can help:

  • When you can't sleep at night

  • When you need to take a "power nap"

  • When you struggle with chronic stress

  • If you are having chronic pain

If you find this audio helpful, please let me know.

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Guided Meditation - Full Body Relaxation Stanley J. Ward, PhD